We went to Hibiya. We ate at Mr. Farmer. We got loco moco, uji matcha tiramisu, and a burger. Everything was ridiculously good. Then we walked to the Hibiya Park music festival. We saw EYRIE, fox capture plan, and Rie Ideta (I loved “キツツキ").

We also saw a nest of murder hornets. Michi warned the festival organizers and the people sitting there and they put cones up. She was so surprised because she had never seen them, but there were 5 or 6. They were carrying what looked like berries but may have been insect heads.

We toured the festival and saw Korg, Roland, Casio, and Suzuki booths. It was super cool seeing everyone playing a variety of musical instruments.

Then we went to Hibiya mall and got delicious coffee and hungout on the roof garden. I got a cool OHTA pencil and mugi cha from Today’s Special.

We headed to Shirokane where we met her brother, Daichan. We got fresh-squeezed juice and so much good food from Queen Iseten.

No Vegetable No Life Pelican fountains Tower in Hibiya Egg statue Subway in Hibiya