In the morning, we walked up to the shrine before breakfast. We saw an impossibly old tree, it was something like a thousand years old. I felt a little better, health wise as we were walking around. We ate breakfast and then went up to the room.

I started reading Nausicaä while Michi was getting ready. I sampled the warblers and made a beat, too.

We checked out from Komadori and took photos with the owners. I shared an Instax photo with them and still can’t get over how a business can run for 19 generations. We went up to the now-opened shrine and said prayers, and took lots of photos. We got omiyage and then stopped at Momijiya for some delicious coffee and tempura with an incredible view.

We made our way out and checked out the visitor’s center then we had some delicious oyaki before we left from the obachan there. She was super sweet.

We took the cable car out and down the mountain. We picked up fresh wasabi from the train station and headed back to Tachikawa. We got lunch and soda and then spent time at the Book Off there. I got some great CDs, Studio Ghibli soundtracks, Square Enix game compliments, and the Metropolis soundtrack. Then we came back and ate dinner with Mama.

1,000 year old tree Michi by the unopened shops Top of Mitake mountain street Bottom of the shrine Dog statue Dog statue and shrine Lantern Intricate lantern statue Another intricate lantern statue Kappa bench on the way to the top Mt. Mitake tourism posters Bird feeder at Komadori Grave stones along the path to the shrine Dog statue Another dog statue Building at the shrine Shrine for dogs Shrine Building at the shrine Stone steps Torii Cafe Momijiya Cafe Momijiya New ryōkan at Mitake Mt Mitake tourism advertisement Michi at Flowers in Tachikawa Train in Tachikawa Map in Tachikawa