It’s Momma’s birthday today, so we started the day a little slower. For breakfast, we had some delicious bread and salad.

We went to Kumegawa and she sold a necklace that she no longer wanted. We went to Mosburger for lunch, then checked out a stationery shop and Seria, which is like Daiso but huge.

We went back home and everyone took a short nap.

Michi and I wanted to walk around a bit and explore Higashimurayama. We went to Aeon, which was huge. I saw the amazing electronics section. They still sold blank minidiscs and cassettes, and there were some phenomenal appliances.

Daichan came over and cooked dinner and our breakfast for the next day and it was all really tasty.

We played the rating game and it was really funny. Michi gave her mom a massage and then we got ready for bed.

Statue in Higashimurayama Eel restaurant we saw on our walk. Train along the rode