Punk Rock → Dignity
Punk Rock → Dignity ⏰ 02:52 🦶11 (Punk_rock → Anti-establishment → Ruling_class → Class_consciousness → Class_conflict → Working_class → Social_mobility → American_Dream → All_men_are_created_equal → Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights → Human_rights → Dignity)
That is a rather long path compared to what I have been able to accomplish recently. Dignity is such a broad concept and I thought I would find the article for it much sooner. I appreciate punk rock, specifically the hardcore scene, for everything that it has taught me. I attribute my exposure to topics of human rights, animal rights, gender issues, peace work, mutual aid, and so much more to my participation in this scene.
I recently wrote for my Master’s work, a study of place where we were able to choose any meaningful location or conceptual location on earth. I chose the mosh pit and used this specific example of Have Heart performing “Watch Me Rise”. Frontman Patrick Flynn has long been a hero of mine, but quoting Izzeldin Abuelaish, introducing radical compassion and forgiveness to what many would consider an unlikely audience for this, and bringing attention to the genocide in Palestine, just elevated him in my books.